There is mass turmoil on earth. Great grief. Much pain. A call to persevere. And choices to be made.
I have seen all this under the sun.
My ministry, Lullaby of Hope, is growing. In less than two weeks, I got word of five new Mother's to minister to. Lullaby of Hope has now served ten women. That also means that ten little lives are now in Heaven. The last Mother that was brought to my attention is a dear friend of mine. Her father approached me at Passover service to share the heart breaking news. My heart beat at an abnormal speed as I walked towards her and uttered the words "I'm so sorry". I knew the day would come when I would need to speak hope and comfort to a church member, a friend and a sister in Christ. I spent the night in a pile of tissues, wet in tears and on the floor in prayer. Her loss sent me over the edge. Especially since Gracia's due date is in three short days.
One Mother, I have been working with is still carrying her baby. I now have known her for 10 weeks. The Lord has used her and I in magnificent ways. Undeniable proof of the Father's love for us. Each Mother that I come into contact with is different. Some I meet with and some get baskets delivered from the friend that shared the news with me. God directs me exactly what to write in each hand written card. This ministry has been the most challenging and the easiest thing I've committed to. Challenging because its a death ministry and each basket represents a life. Easy because Jesus left me with His Spirit, so the pressure is off me. Easy because I'm in His will.
There is an enemy. He's out to kill, steal and destroy you (John 10:10). I often come across Mother-to-be's full of fear. I'm sure satan is enjoying this epidemic of fear. Fear that their baby is going to die and fear that they will not be strong enough to get through it. God has given us a Spirit of courage, not timidity (2 Timothy 1:7). He has promised to always be with us (Joshua 1:5) Our connection with Him is immediate and intimate (Psalm 116:1 & 1 John 5:14). I pray against the fear that so easily entangles us (Hebrews 12:1). Be steadfast in Him and allow Him to reign over your thoughts (Isaiah 26:3). It's a battle (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). And victory is on our side (1 Corinthians 15:57), thanks be to God.....forever and ever, Amen.